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Staying Sane in A level RS

Staying Sane in A level RS


A Booklet to Guide & Inspire RS Teaching

The booklet is the result of several special webinars held by Clare Lloyd and Greg Barker during the COVID pandemic in 2021.

The goal was to bring A Level RS Teachers together to share ideas and good practice in the extraordinary circumstances of teaching content online.

We calmly and coolly explored two main subjects: 1. Ahhhhh! What do you do to cope personally and professionally – is anything helping???? And 2. What is working in teaching your students online – anything?!!!! Help!

A huge thank you to ALL of the teachers who so honestly shared their challenges and the ideas that these led to. These were truly inspiring sessions and the ideas and activities that were shared have resulted in this little booklet – we hope you find it helpful on your journey!

-Greg Barker & Clare Lloyd

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