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Greg Barker’s Excellent Essay Pack – Aquinas Laws and Precepts

Greg Barker’s Excellent Essay Pack – Aquinas Laws and Precepts


This 11-page workbook guides students through several activities aimed at the creation of relevant and insightful AO2 paragraphs focused on Natural Law: Aquinas on Laws and Precepts. There are sections on:

  • Exam questions to expect
  • How to ‘BUG’ the question
  • Writing a short introduction
  • Writing 3 body paragraphs
  • Writing a conclusion
  • A sample paragraph exercise
  • A ‘What is Wrong with this Paragraph' exercise
  • A checklist to remind students of key points

Students can make the best use of this activity sheet by reviewing all their notes and having done some reading on this area prior to this activity.

Note: working carefully through these sheets will guide you to make a great essay. This will not guarantee you an A*, but you will find all the qualities that make an A* essay reinforced in this activity. We’ve also given you an example of an excellent paragraph so you can see A* qualities at work.

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